Hi all,
I am trying to create a function and I don't know what seems to be the problem why it keeps on prompting the error Name Unresolved: Framebox in access or evaluation of 'Framebox' , Framebox( 1 ) /*###*/
Please help
bivpolyfit = Function( { x_param, y_param, grouping },
biv = Bivariate( X( Column( x_param ) ), Y( Column( y_param ) ), by( Column( holder ), Column( type ) ),
GroupBy( column( build ) ), << Fit Polynomial( 2, {Line Width( 2 )}));
rbiv = biv << Report;
rbiv[Framebox( 1 )] << {Marker Size( 3 )};
rbiv[Axisbox( 2 )] << Tick Font( style( 0 ), size( 9 ) ) << Show Major Grid( 1 ) << Show Minor Grid( 1 ) << Show Minor Ticks( 1 ) << {Min( eval(xmin[j]) ), Max( eval(xmax[j]) )/*, Inc( incr[j] )*/};
rbiv[Axisbox( 1 )] << Tick Font( style( 0 ), size( 9 ) ) << Show Major Grid( 1 ) << Show Minor Grid( 1 ) << Show Minor Ticks( 1 ) << {Min( eval(ymin[j]) ), Max( eval(ymax[j]) )/*, Inc( incr[j] )*/};
rbiv[TextEditBox( 2 )] << Set Font Size( 10 ) << Set Font Style( "Bold" );
rbiv[TextEditBox( 1 )] << Set Font Size( 10 ) << Set Font Style( "Bold" );
rbiv[Outline Box( 1 )] << Set Title( y_param||" vs "||x_param );
rbiv["Polynomial Fit Degree=2 ?"] << Close All Like This;
rbiv[Framebox( 1 )] << Row Legend( Column( grouping ), Color( 1 ), Marker( 0 ), Color Theme("JMP Default"), Continuous Scale( 0 ) );
rbiv[Framebox( 1 )] << Row Legend( Column( build ), Color( 0 ), Marker( 1 ), Marker Theme("Solid") );
rbiv[BorderBox(3)] << Delete;
rbiv[BorderBox(2)] << Delete;
pbiv = rbiv[OutlineBox( 1 )] << get picture;