You should be able to modify the settings to compensate for the weird format in your csv file. Below is a simple script that open a csv file, and you can change the Column Names Start() and the Data Starts() parameters so that you do not end up with bad headers or data.
"Path to your csv file",
Import Settings(
End Of Line( CRLF, CR, LF ),
End Of Field( Comma, CSV( 1 ) ),
Strip Quotes( 0 ),
Use Apostrophe as Quotation Mark( 0 ),
Use Regional Settings( 0 ),
Scan Whole File( 1 ),
Treat empty columns as numeric( 0 ),
CompressNumericColumns( 0 ),
CompressCharacterColumns( 0 ),
CompressAllowListCheck( 0 ),
Labels( 1 ),
Column Names Start( 1 ),
Data Starts( 2 ),
Lines To Read( "All" ),
Year Rule( "20xx" )
These JSL statements were retrieved by just opening up a csv file, and then looking in the Source by right clicking on the green triangle in front of the Source entry in the Tables Panel at the left of the opened data table.