Here is another attempt in finding a solution for you. The script first creates a sample data table, then it adds a new column that takes the second element from the original test name.

names default to here(1);
dt=new table("example",
new column( "TestName", Character),
add rows( 100 )
// Create sample data
characterPool = "kj;adoilkz;vclkeiop8uyhvjnbuiaedriuna;lkdalkiouie;lkakjfloauifadkjfbvsa;ihdiekd";
for each row(
:Test Name = "";
For( i=1, i<=floor(random uniform(2,4)), i++,
:TestName = :testName || substr(characterPool,floor(random uniform(1,length(characterPool)-1))) ||"<>";
// Create a new column with only the 2nd element of the Test Names
dt << new column("Short Test Name", character,
formula(word(2,:Test Name,"<>") )