Pete is, of course, correct and wise in his advice. Particularly the issue of inference space. When you ran your experiment, how representative was the noise in the study? How was noise handled in the study? (e.g., did you restrict, block, repeat. replicate, partition with split-plots)? Is the estimate if MSE reasonable and does it represent the true random error? If not is not, then statistical significance is meaningless. Remember, statistical significance is a conditional statement!
When doing model reduction, here are things you should consider:
1. Practical significance. This has nothing to do with statistical significance which is a comparison of effects to MSE. Do the factors/interactions have a practical significance? Another way to say this is you should evaluate the model in terms of scientific or engineering merit. Are there rational and logical hypotheses that support the identification of interesting and not interesting terms?
2. R-square-R-square adjusted delta. As you remove uninteresting term from model, the delta should diminish. Also the size of the R-square adjusted.
3. Residuals. How do they look? Are there any outliers, unusual patterns, etc. as you remove terms?
4. p-values. These might be useful for the first cut, but they are less useful (or useless) as you iterate. What happens to the insignificant mean squares? They are added to the MSE WITH the DF's essentially decreasing the MSE and increasing the F-values in a biased fashion.
5. Useful. The model must be useful. The mission is not to create the most complex model you can get, but to create a model the is predictive and useful.
Of course, one of the advantages of JMP is the ability to quickly change the model and re-evaluate.
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box