I thank all of you for the quick and detailed reply.
The solution I use now is the following:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
nw = New Window( "Please insert up to three names",
v list box(
Text Box( "Name 1:" ),
tb1 = Text Edit Box( "",
<<set width( 200 ),
<<set script(
Show( tb1 << get text, Length( tb1 << get text ) );
Text Box( "Name 2:" ),
tb2 = Text Edit Box( "",
<<set width( 200 ),
<<set script(
Show( tb2 << get text, Length( tb2 << get text ) );
Text Box( "Name 3:" ),
tb3 = Text Edit Box( "",
<<set width( 200 ),
<<set script(
Show( tb3 << get text, Length( tb3 << get text ) );
If((tb1 << get text == "" | Length( tb1 << get text ) == 8) &
(tb2 << get text == "" | Length( tb2 << get text ) == 8) &
(tb3 << get text == "" | Length( tb3 << get text ) == 8) ,
bb << enable( 1 ),
bb << enable( 0 )
bb = Button Box( "OK", nw << close window )),
bb << enable( 0 );
So one should be able to press the "OK" button if for each name either a character string with length 8 or no character string is entered.
What still does not work as I hoped is if I enter only one name with length 8, and I do that for Name 3, then I can click the button. Otherwise (if I enter one name with length 8 for Name 1 or Name 2), it is not possible to click the button.
Any advice here?
Best regards and thanks again,