The Local Data Filter is independent of the Graph Builder Report, so it has to be added separately.
The path to the Local data filter is being referenced by going to the parent of the Graph Builder object and then referencing the Outline Box for the Local Data Filter.
Yld2 = Graph Builder(
Size( 604, 690 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Index ), Y( :YieProcess ), Page( :sex ) ),
Points( X, Y, Legend( 4 ) ),
Line( X, Y, Legend( 5 ) ),
Caption Box( X, Y, Legend( 6 ), Per Factor( 1 ) )
Local Data Filter(
Add Filter( columns( :Process ), Where( :Process == "Auto_Align", "Final_Electrical_Test" ), Display( :Process, N Items( 10 ) ) )
plot = New Window( "Plot", tb = Tab Box() );
tb << append( "Yield Trend By Process", vlb = V List Box( hlb = H List Box() ) );
hlb << append( (Report( yld2 ) << parent)["Local Data Filter"] );
hlb << append( Report( Yld2 ) );