Hi @frankderuyck,
There may be several options in the "Distribution" platform :
- You can customize "Summary statistics" (by clicking on the red triangle) to show skewness (asymetry of the distribution) and kurtosis (heaviness of the distribution tails) for example. You can look at the complete distribution metrics available here : The Summary Statistics Report (jmp.com)
- You can also try to Fit Continuous distributions (in the red triangle of your response distribution, "Continuous Fit" and then "Fit All"), in order to compare the type of distribution and the value of its parameters. Here with a Weibull distribution, I can look at the scale and shape estimates for example :
- You can also plot the distributions with the Graph Builder, use Box Plots and show the 5-numbers summary : max, min, med, Q1 and Q3 :
This is clearly not an exhaustive list of options, and other users may also have other ideas to better compare distributions metrics.
I hope these few ideas may help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)