May I ask you which platform you use in JMP to make your heat map? From your description, it looks like you are using Graph Builder.
As you may already know, you can specify the Min, Max, and Center values in Graph Builder: Right Click on the Gradient legend, Select "Gradient," and set the Min = -2, Max = 7, and Center = 0. These simple steps may not produce the desired outcome yet, but give it a try
Hence, you may want to experiment with the JSL function "Add Color Theme."
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Add Color Theme( {"Yellow To Blue", 0, {{255, 255, 0}, {0, 0, 255}}, {0.0, 1.0}} );
The first parameter is the name of your color theme, the second parameter is a flag, the first list represents the RGB colors for each position, and the final list represents the relative position of each color (between 0 and 1). Computing the relative position of each color will require converting the range of your data to a 0 to 1 scale.
Let us know if it makes sense.
Thierry R. Sornasse