I tried a demonstration for a class yesterday that bombed badly. I have the following data set on opinions about national and state government.
I used Recode to set the 3's (Don't Know) in Column 3 to . (missing). I did the same to column 5. Then I used a formula to create Column 2,
Either I am missing a logical step, or there is some sort of distinction between a missing value received in the data set and one created by recoding. In any event, the numbers in column 2, starting at row 19 should be: 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 (through line 28).
My goal is to create column 2 as a filter, so I can partition the data set between records which have no missing or DKs on the target columns and those which have one or more missing or DKs.
The ultimate goal is to do a simple Y on X presentation with measures of association in which the table will be free of DK or missing responses. I could not find a way to shut down either missing or DK responses in the analysis by hiding them.