Here is a script that joins your data as perscribed. The final table is showned below

names default to here(1);
dt1=data table("Table 1");
dt2=data table("Table 2");
dt3=data table("Table 3");
// Add an instance counter for each table
// Which will allow the joining by specific rows
dt1<<new column("instance",formula(If(lag(:Name)!=:Name,st=0);st=st+1;));
dt2<<new column("instance",formula(If(lag(:Name)!=:Name,st=0);st=st+1;));
dt3<<new column("instance",formula(If(lag(:Name)!=:Name,st=0);st=st+1;));
// Join the first tables
dt4=dt1 << Join(
With( dt3 ),
Merge Same Name Columns,
By Matching Columns( :Name = :Name, :instance = :instance ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 1, 1 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 )
// Join the resulting table with the other table
dt5=dt4 << Join(
Output Table Name("Final Form of Data"),
With( dt2 ),
Merge Same Name Columns,
By Matching Columns( :Name = :Name, :instance = :instance ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 1, 1 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 )
// Cleanup the results
dt1 << delete columns("instance");
dt2 << delete columns("instance");
dt3 << delete columns("instance");
dt5 << delete columns("instance", "Match Flag");