Graham Blatz actually talked about just this exact thing at the Advanced Scripting Session at the JMP conference this year. I have his code from a while ago but he actually improved upon it by using KDTable() which makes it insanely fast.
Here's a snippet of the function that does the most important bits.
dt2 << New Column( "Loc Min", numeric, continuous, formula( Row() ) ); //indexing, basically, to match/update upon
list_big = Column( dt2, rt2 ) << get values; //creates a vector of values for the following
dt1 << New Column( "Loc Min",
Loc Min( Abs( Column( rt1 )[Row()] - list_big ) )
); //simple, but fast. Very fast.
dt_join = dt1 << Join(
With( dt2 ),
By Matching Columns( :Loc Min = :Loc Min ),
Drop multiples( 0, 1 ),
Name( "Include non-matches" )(0, 0),
Preserve main table order( 1 )
); // I opted for a join rather than an update, for now. may change in the future.
Here's the actual function as well that you can call and has a UI with it.
nearest_neighbor = Function(
//by Graham Blatz
//Matches Nearest Neighbor of ostensibly dates, but whatever, man
{dt1 = Current Data Table(),
dt2 = Current Data Table(), rt1 = "ReadTime", rt2 = "ReadTime"
If( dt1 == dt2, //default execution of a prompt, dunno a clean way around this without making some user camp inconvenienced.
list_tables = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Table(), i++,
Insert Into( list_tables, Data Table( i ) << get name );
); //sets up names of data tables to pick from
dt1 = Data Table( list_tables[1] );
dt2 = Data Table( list_tables[2] ); //Reasonable Starting point
win_tableselect = New Window( "Select Tables",
lup_box = Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ),
Text Box( "Main Table (i.e. SubID List)", <<set font size( 10 ) ),
Text Box( "Update-With Table (i.e. Tool Data)", <<set font size( 10 ) ),
c1 = Combo Box(
s1 = c1 << getselected;
dt1 = Data Table( s1 );
vref1[1] << delete;
vref1 << append( //Deletes and redraws
col1 = Col List Box(
Data Table( dt1 ),
maxSelected( 1 ),
rt1 = col1 << get selected
), //these parts change the following collistboxes and their fantastic syntax based upon the data table combo box selection
c2 = Combo Box(
<<set( 2 ),
s2 = c2 << getselected;
dt2 = Data Table( s2 );
vref2[1] << delete;
vref2 << append(
col2 = Col List Box(
Data Table( dt2 ),
maxSelected( 1 ),
rt2 = col2 << get selected
), //see above
vref1 = V List Box(
col1 = Col List Box(
Data Table( dt1 ),//still stoopdi
maxSelected( 1 ),
rt1 = col1 << get selected
vref2 = V List Box(
col2 = Col List Box(
Data Table( dt2 ),
maxSelected( 1 ),
rt2 = col2 << get selected
), //the point of the vrefs is to have something to delete without messing with the lineupbox's proclivity for left-right ordering
Text Box( "" ),
Button Box( "Ok",
s1 = c1 << getselected;
s2 = c2 << getselected;
dt1 = Data Table( s1 );
dt2 = Data Table( s2 );
rt1 = (col1 << get selected)[1];
rt2 = (col2 << get selected)[1];
), //not everyone has the << return result option yet if they're not in 11
Button Box( "Cancel"),
If(win_tableselect["Button"] == -1, Throw("Canceled by User"))
dt2 << New Column( "Loc Min", numeric, continuous, formula( Row() ) ); //indexing, basically, to match/update upon
list_big = Column( dt2, rt2 ) << get values; //creates a vector of values for the following
dt1 << New Column( "Loc Min",
Loc Min( Abs( Column( rt1 )[Row()] - list_big ) )
); //simple, but fast. Very fast.
dt_join = dt1 << Join(
With( dt2 ),
By Matching Columns( :Loc Min = :Loc Min ),
Drop multiples( 0, 1 ),
Name( "Include non-matches" )(0, 0),
Preserve main table order( 1 )
); // I opted for a join rather than an update, for now. may change in the future.
dt1 << delete columns("Loc Min");
dt2 << delete columns("Loc Min"); //Removes pesky join column
list_columns = dt_join << get column names( string );
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( list_columns ), i++,
If( Contains( list_columns, "Loc Min" ),
Column( dt_join, list_columns ) << set selected( 1 )
); //the joined table will having lingering Loc Min-like columns. This just hunts them down and removes them.
dt_join << delete columns;
dt_join << set name( Char( dt1 << get name ) || " & " || Char( dt2 << get name ) ); //Good enough