New JMP user here -- I would like to use JSL to save the output of a Process Screening analysis -- in particular, the Details Table. If I run the Process Screening analysis, a summary report pops up, and I've figured out how to save that. But from that report, I can click the red triangle and then "Save Details Table" to get much more granular information. I would like to save that table to a csv as well, but the "Copy session Script" option doesn't seem to work -- it gives the hardcoded data, not applicable to a new data file.
I would like something like this:
dt = Open("C:\Program Files\SAS\JMP\16\Samples\Data\Consumer", window bounds(-1781, -373, -974, 135));
scr = dt << Process Screening(
Process Variables( :Price ),
Grouping( :Series ),
Control Chart Type( "Indiv and MR" ),
Time( :Date )
// Save the process screening summary as .csv
dt2 = Report(scr)[TableBox(2)] << makeDataTable;
dt2 << save( "C:\Users\myname\Downloads\test.txt" )
// <Script to also save the process screening details table as a csv>
Thanks for any help!