Hi @ian_jmp ,
Thanks for the quick feedback and help. I did need to modify it a little bit so that it was only changing part of the panel box and not all of it.
This modified version is one that does what I was hoping to get, and I couldn't have done it without your snippet of code. Thank you!
Names Default To Here( 1 );
UInames = {"Option One", "Option Two"};
lublist = {Lineup Box( N Col( 3 ), Spacing( 3, 3 ), Text Box( "A" ), Text Box( "B" ), Number Edit Box( 7, 6 ) ),
Lineup Box( N Col( 3 ), Spacing( 3, 3 ), Text Box( "C" ), Text Box( "D" ), Number Edit Box( 10, 6 ) )};
cb = Combo Box(
Function( {this, index},
(this << sib) << delete;
this << sibAppend( Eval( lublist[index] ) );
nw = New Window( "Dynamic UI", Lineup Box( N Col( 1 ), Panel Box( "UI Choices", cb, Eval( Lublist[1] ) ) ) );