Background: I have a very large data set that is an output of specific RF testing for semi-conductor devices. During this RF test there are a variety of differnt conditions that are important. I have 3 outputs that are tested on 16 different channels at 6 different test states which require me to generate 105 differnt graphs.
example: Gain vs Frequency on Channel 1 at Test State 1; Gain vs Frequency on Channel 2 at Test State 1 where i have 15 channels and 6 test states.
I have searched these discussion boards for a solution and the closets i have come is a thread started in 2017 titled "How to export JMP graph to PPT by JSL?"
I tried to incorperate the script used in this solution to help me and i can get it to make the required number of plots but cannot get specific channels to filter out.
I think i am having a hard time communicating this so please if you need clarification, ask.
Summarize( dt, lstChannel = By( :channel ) );
gb = Graph Builder(
Size( 1225, 952 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
X( :Name( "Freq _(GHz)" ) ),
Y( :Gain ),
Group X( :wafer_num ),
Overlay( :RowCol ) ),
Elements( Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 19 ) ) )
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( GroupBy ), i++,
gb << Local Data Filter(
Where( :channel == LstChannel[i] ) ),
// I would like to loop through the teststates as well
Where( :teststate == 1 ),
Mode( Show( 1 ), Include( 1 ) ) );
If( i == 1,
gb << Save Presentation( "$TEMP/jmp_example2.pptx" ),
gb << Save Presentation( "$TEMP/jmp_example2.pptx", Append )
gb << remove data filter;
Open( "$TEMP/jmp_example2.pptx" );