As I mentioned in my previous response, "You can create a fixed scale or use a favorite algorithm to find the best scale for the data at hand." Below is the function gd_inc() created for script 7_InteractiveDisplays_Alternates.jsl (for book JSL Companion, 2nd Ed.).
It is a simplification of functions I use when coding an application where the range of values are unknown. This script assumes Fixed Decimal format will work. A more general script would determine, if too many decimals, then switch to scientific notation or change to a log scale etc. Before using it, you should try it out.
The arguments are Low, High and Number of increments. It returns a vector of inc value, #of decimals for the format and the max length; in the full script, it is used for an x-axis and the orientation is changed based upon its length. Or the length might be used to trigger if something else other than Fixed Decimal format should be used.
gd_inc = Function({xlo, xhi, ntic}, {sp,tt, yrnd, ginc, ndec,lc, ll},
sp = (xhi - xlo)/ntic;
tt = log10(sp);
yrnd = If(
tt > 0, 1 - Floor( tt ),
Abs( Floor( tt ) - 1 )
ginc =round(sp,yrnd);
ndec = length(word(2,char(ginc),"."));
lc = length(word(1,char(xhi),"."));
if(ndec>0, lc=lc+ndec+1);
if(xlo <0, lc++); //add 1 character for the negative sign
ll[1] = ginc; //increment
ll[2] = ndec; //# decimals
ll[3] = lc; //character length
); // end gd_inc
/* test cases
show(gd_inc(1,11,10), gd_inc(.001, .005, 10), gd_inc(10000,20200, 10) )
Once you have the results, then modify your script
_yscl = gd_inc(Lo,Hi, 10);
_xx[1] << Axis Setings( {Min( Lo ), Max( Hi ), Inc( _yscl[1] ),
Minor Ticks( 1 ),
Label Row( {Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 )} ),
Format("Fixed Dec",12,_yscl[2])
JMP does a good job auto scaling, the reason the scaling is too wide for your graphbuilder is that it is scaling to be able to display the points not just the smoothed curves. One option is to get the spline curve values and just plot those.
If you choose to not do that you willneed to find the max and min of the curves and you need to decide if you want all graphs for Y_i to have the same scale, or if each Y_i and Test needs to have the same scale or each graph its own scale. The JMP Spline Smooth() function returns the spline values, and you can find the max and min for each possible curve then get the max and min over all. That will provide the Lo and Hi and, I typically use 10 for the number of increments.
Then use the gd_inc() function and modify. If you know the low and high values, then create a table or constats for each Y.
Custom scaling can get messy with multiple curves and custom curves like splines. If I have time, I'll attach an updated script for your dummy data.
BTW, I am not sure how realistic your dummy data might be. Comparing multiple graphs in PowerPoint can be confusing. GraphBuilder is good for comparing graphs. Instead of numerous graphs, possibly some comparison (not necessarily the one below) might be useful. Below is Y_3 vs. channels, for Test, and different values of X.