Hi everyone,
I am trying to make a script which would work this way:
1. Opens a new window showing "Select the parameters you want to plot" with a list of parameters with check box for each, and the operator would chose which ones he wants to plot by ticking them.
2. Then for the ones that are ticked, open a graph builder with the corresponding variables.
I am currently able to make the first step (new window and list with check boxes), and I know how to script to create a graph, but I miss the link between them ... I was initially thinking of calling each check box indivudally and then do a succession of "if" like "if cb1 is ticked, then do the graph, if not, then if cb2 is ticked etc ...". I tried the following script to train but it always displays "Failed" in the end no matter if I ticked the box, so it does not really check the box:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
New Window( "Choose the parameters to be plotted",
cb1 = Check Box ("Parameter 1",0),
cb2 = Check Box ("Parameter 2",0)
If (cb1 == 1,
Graph Builder(
X( :Name( "Process duration" ) ),
Y( :Name( "Parameter 1" ) ) ) ),
New Window( "Failed"));
Do you have any idea how to do that?