The snippet's goal below is to plot Current against Time. I have multiple devices differentiated by Serial.
On GraphBuilder, I group the Serial by "pages". Since I have a variable number of devices, I have a variable number of pages.
In setting the scale, I have a "dispatch" line per number of page (device) -- so below I have four dispatch lines to update the four charts for each device.
How do I go about implementing the same scale and chart settings across all GraphBuilder pages? Thanks!
//t0 is minimum time
//tn is maximum time
Graph Builder(
Size(700, 5000),
Show Control Panel(0),
Points(X, Y(2), Legend(1)),
Points(X, Y(1), Legend(2))
Dispatch({}, "Time (H)", ScaleBox(2),
{Min(t0), Max(tn), Inc(inc);}),
Dispatch({}, "Time (H)", ScaleBox(3),
{Min(t0), Max(tn), Inc(inc);}),
Dispatch({}, "Time (H)", ScaleBox(4),
{Min(t0), Max(tn), Inc(inc);}),
Dispatch({}, "Time (H)", ScaleBox(5),
{Min(t0), Max(tn), Inc(inc);})