I am working on a script that adds the rows and columns of microtiter plate to a JMP design.
The ideal scenario would be that this becomes a add-in, so that once an individual has generated a design they can then assign the correct Plate number, Row name, and Column number corresponding to a plate of their choosing (96, 384, 1536 wells) and omitting as many edge columns or rows as they like. This last step is important because often individuals leave the edge rows/columns empty because they are vulnerable to edge effects.
The script currently takes the example data (384 well plate design without the edge wells), collects user inputs on number of plates, rows, & columns, and then loops over them to assign the correct values to the rows in the design file. Then it saves the new file with this data added.
There are few things that I would really appreciate support with:
- Get Default Directory is not getting the working directory where the JSL is located
- Select the data file from a browser like pop up
- Implement as an Add-in
Many thanks!