@Name2AcessForum - Did you ever get any answers on this? I am having the same issue. I KNOW I confirmed this setting was off as soon as I got JMP 18 - it was the first thing I checked. I've used it for weeks without any issues, and now the queries I created yesterday don't work. I checked the setting and it was back on. I looked back through other queries created in the last few weeks and it was only yesterday that the problem popped up. It sounds like it only happens to some of us, so I'm hoping you found the magic.
@mmarchandTSI Thanks for the tip on the scripting preference piece. Is there any way to include that type of preference in a query saved as a user-friendly .jmpquery format? As far as I understand, I can't add any scripting there until AFTER the query runs. I can put it in other scripts to help ensure the setting, but that only helps if I run those scripts before I create queries. I create more queries than scripts, and I'm not usually the one running the scripts. I did do some preference updates in a recent script, but more focused on appearance. Would you expect using DSN-less connections in a script when I typically use DSN-based connections in a query to create any changes? That is all I can think I did differently yesterday. I can't seem to recreate the problem.
I will reach out to Tech Support also.