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Level III

JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

I typically use the Control Chart Builder to look at the same variable output from many machines.  After putting the variable on the Y axis, I select the machine name and click "by" and it splits the graph into many separate control charts for each machine, each with their own control limits.  


In JMP 17 and earlier, if I hit the "Start Over" button, it cleared out ALL the charts.  Then I could pick the NEXT variable I wanted to plot, select machine and "by" again, and I'd have a new set of charts.


In JMP 18 it appears the "Start Over" ONLY resets one graph - for the individual machine in the section where I select the button.  All the rest stay as-is.  If I put a new variable on the top graph, all the other graphs have the old variable.  I'm not going to hit "start over" 10 times for every graph, so I exit out and restart a new control chart session.  I looked in the preferences, and I can't find anything that allows me to choose the old way.  There doesn't seem to be a trick to "apply to all" like holding down the Ctrl key before you click the red drop-down triangle.  


What am I missing?  How do I get this back the way it was before?  Why would this new method even be implemented?  Help me understand why this would be more useful for others.  


Accepted Solutions
Level VII

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

Hey @LoveDataViz7 

Thinking about this a little more I think using column switcher would be the best way to go.  Put your variable in, split by machine with "By" and then use column switcher to change different column "Y's" to review.

View solution in original post

Level VII

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

Hey @LoveDataViz7 

Can you just use the local data filter for your variable you are restarting over by?  You should be able to keep all your machine split out and then the data will refresh when you select a different variable on the local data filter.


For JMP 18 the "By" factor was changed so that you could have the broken out factor levels be controlled by an overall control box as well as arrange the panels.  So a lot more versatility but it did break how you were using  CCB.  On the bright side, you can do cool stuff like this now:


or this



Hope this helps!



Level VII

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

Hey @LoveDataViz7 

Thinking about this a little more I think using column switcher would be the best way to go.  Put your variable in, split by machine with "By" and then use column switcher to change different column "Y's" to review.

Level III

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

Steve - I had never used Column Switcher before, although I've started to notice it popping up a lot in other responses.  Once I figured it out, it was the perfect fix - even better than the old method.


I am very curious though - how did you make your control charts side by side or on different tabs in the images you loaded?

Level VII

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

Hey @LoveDataViz7 

Yeah column switcher is amazing!  As for arranging in rows, on any platform where you use the "By" option you will get a new grouping of menu options that allows you to do a bunch of cool new things.  Here is how to arrange in rows.




Super User

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

I would guess it is related to this


It seems like you cannot really utilize the auto broadcast either in Control Chart Builder. Could be like it is supposed to be, oversight or a bug.



You could try with Relaunch Analysis from the highest level red triangle


There is also shortcut Recall Last Platform (can be found from View menu), Ctrl + L, which will relauch the same platform which might work in some cases.

Level III

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

Jarmo - Thanks for the alternative ideas.  The Redo/Relaunch would have worked also.  I will try to remember that short-cut!  Steve's solution interestingly was on the same Re-do menu.  

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

There were two things that were fixed with Start Over for CCB in JMP 18.  In the script below, after you Start Over:

  1. The Graph Builder report disappears
  2. The ccb variable is no longer valid

Item (2) can be important to scripters, and is generally guaranteed when a platform is rerun due to Data Filters, Column Switchers, or Platform Presets.  With By Groups the situation is a little unusual - and the issue that you point out has been fixed for the upcoming JMP 18.1.  If you add the By role in CCB, the ccb variable changes from the Control Chart Builder[] to a Group Platform[], and when you Start Over it changes back.


dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Quality Control/" );
New Window("custom report",
		ccb = dt << Control Chart Builder(
			Show Limit Summaries( 0 ),
			Variables( Subgroup( :Sample ), Y( :Weight ) )
		gb = Graph Builder(
			Size( 528, 456 ),
			Show Control Panel( 0 ),
			Variables( X( :Sample ), Y( :Weight ) ),
			Elements( Box Plot( X, Y, Legend( 14 ) ) )
Level III

Re: JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

Dan - interesting background.  Glad to know the one chart vs all issue has been fixed in version 18.1, although I'm unsure when I'll be able to get that with my organization's difficult upgrade systems.  I have noticed recently as I've been using the Control Charts a lot more that the data seems to change tables when I hit start over.  I often have many different tables open and sometimes they have similar data.  I was very surprised that the table that the control chart was referencing changed if I had looked at or interacted with another table more recently.  It was not obvious, which was concerning.  To my knowledge Graph Builder is always tied to only the table that it started from, although I admit I don't use Start-Over very often there.  Do they both work the same and reset to the "current table" if Column Switcher or Redo/Relaunch is used?  Is there an easy way to know what data it is using?  (The only method I know is to click the table icon in the corner and see which table pops up to the top.)