Is there a way to set the frame size for graphs in jmp 17 script so that when the report is generated with multiple graphs the graphs are of a particular size. Ideally want to be able to customize each individual graph size
The script below used to work and set the size correctly in jmp 14 but it does not do the job in jmp 17
graphname = datatable << Overlay Plot(
Y(:y1, :y2, :y3),
Overlay Axis << {{Scale(Linear), Format("Best"), Min(-5000), Max(25000), Inc(-1000)}},
Connect Thru Missing(1),
Connect Points(1),
Dispatch({}, "Overlay Plot", OutlineBox, Set Title("Age")),
Dispatch({}, "Overlay Plot", FrameBox, Frame Size(450, 450)),
Dispatch({}, "101", ScaleBox, {Rotated Labels("Angled")})
Edit 2024-07-24, jthi: added JSL styling