If you want to control the X and Y positions of text, you will need to add a Graphics Script to the FrameBox instead of to the TextSeg as the TextSeg is always going to appear in the top left corner.
Here is an example:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big Class.jmp" );
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight ) ),
Points( X, Y, Legend( 1 ) ),
Line Of Fit(
Legend( 4 ),
Degree( "Cubic" ),
Confidence of Prediction( 1 ),
Root Mean Square Error( 1 ),
Equation( 1 )
Report( gb )[FrameBox( 1 )] << Add Graphics Script(
Text( Center Justified, {60, 40}, "Tallest: Lawrence" )