Hello All,
So basically, my problem originates with the importation of some csv data. I have a mix of numeric and character columns that I am importing. I had first imported the data through the wizard and then used the data table to generate plots. From there I made a dashboard and used the plots and the data table as part of the dashboard script.
I noticed that a column that I am importing is getting imported as a numeric continuous although I would prefer it is imported as a character nominal format. So I went back to the dashboard building script and changed that manually. However, no matter how I run the script the column continues to get imported as a numeric continous. I have included the column in an csv if anyone wants to try.
I tried a simple script to just import the data table without a dashboard portion and this imports it correctly as the character nominal format. Not sure where the issue is.
Any help will be appreciated since I think I am doing the right thing but the final answer is not coming out as expected