@jthi Thanks, but how does one call further scripts (e.g to plot etc) to operate on the data tables imported. The first one below works, but this is not what I need.
Names Default To Here(1);
aa_olddt = Associative Array(Get Data Table List() << get name);
mfi = Multiple File Import(
<<Set Folder("$SAMPLE_DATA"),
<<Set Name Filter("Big*"),
<<Set Name Enable(1)
w = mfi << Create Window();
checkboxes = (w << XPath("//CheckBoxBox"));
checkboxes[N Items(checkboxes)] << Set All(0);
w << On Close(
aa_newdt = Associative Array(Get Data Table List() << get name);
aa_newdt << Remove(aa_olddt);
dt_list = aa_newdt << get keys;
show (dt_list);
dt = dt_list[1];
dt = data table (dt);
dt<<Distribution( Column( :Age, :Weight ) );
I need to be able to call scripts to operate on the imported data files. One below does not work (gives attached error)
Names Default To Here(1);
aa_olddt = Associative Array(Get Data Table List() << get name);
mfi = Multiple File Import(
<<Set Folder("$SAMPLE_DATA"),
<<Set Name Filter("Big*"),
<<Set Name Enable(1)
w = mfi << Create Window();
checkboxes = (w << XPath("//CheckBoxBox"));
checkboxes[N Items(checkboxes)] << Set All(0);
w << On Close(
aa_newdt = Associative Array(Get Data Table List() << get name);
aa_newdt << Remove(aa_olddt);
dt_list = aa_newdt << get keys;
show (dt_list);
dt = dt_list[1];
dt = data table (dt);
include ("plotDist.jsl");
where plotDist.jsl (saved in the same directory) is
Names Default To Here(1);
dt<<Distribution( Column( :Age, :Weight ) );
include ("plotDist.jsl");
outside On Close also does not work. Where am I going wrong?
When it's too good to be true, it's neither