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How to selecte or delete outliers automatic ?

i have data table, actually i have thousand columns measurements, but in each measruement, there are some outliers, i need to select or delete the outliers for all column for some purpose. 

  • I can use  JMP-->analysis-->screening-->explore outliers to selected the outliers ,then i can delete the outliers. but this function is only work by only one column. when i have thoutands columns, it won't work, and doesn't make sense.
  • I try to sue stack colmns together, then use explore outliers to find the outliers, also work, (explore outliers, set column name as "by") but when i set too much columns in "By", system will consume too much physical memory.

in this case, May I have some other ideas for the puropse ? thanks a lot!





Re: How to selecte or delete outliers automatic ?

@Sean_ShCn0 ,

Explore outliers is meant to handle as many columns as you have in your data table, but you have to be sure to select them all when you start the analysis.  Below is an image of where all of the columns in your wide table are selected.  One way to help with this would be to group your columns so that you only have to highlight the group to move all the columns at once.  You can see the difference with and without grouping in the first two images below.






