@mzwald helped you with more options. I have a few more, too. You can ask Contingency to compare the group means to the overall mean by clicking the red triangle and selecting Analysis of Means for Proportions.

You can even more information to compare one Tree Type with another. from Nominal Logistic Regression platform. Select Analyze > Fit Model. Cast Maturity in the Y role, add Tree Type to the Effects, and cast Count in the Freq role.

Notice that where the same result is presented in both platforms, the value is the same. There is some overlap in content. Let's look at some of the unique information that is available in the second platform.

The Odds Ratios tell you how much more or less likely the outcome will be Dead compared to Alive for different Tree Types. The Confusion Matrix tells us how well the model predicts the outcomes. Finally, the Prediction Profiler allows you to predict the probability of both outcomes for any Tree Type.