Thank you both for your suggestions, however, none of them works for me. For clarification, I have made a test file with the data in column A, Status in col B. Then I have made a third column with the formula included. You can ses that it works. If I run the script to do the same (I do not know which columns I want to clean for zeroes) you see in column 4 that it does not work well. Hope it all makes sense.
dt = Current Data Table();
win = New Window( "Clean False Zeroes",
Text Box( "Available Columns" ),
H List Box(
// list box to present cols
allcols = Col List Box( dt, all ), // or specify numeric instead of all
Lineup Box(
bbx = Button Box( "X, Factor", xcols << append( allcols << get selected ) ),
// list box to receive cols
xcols = Col List Box( "Numeric", <<Modeling Type( {"Continuous"} ), min items( 1 ) ),
bby = Button Box( "Status, Response", ycols << append( allcols << get selected ) ),
// list box to receive cols
ycols = Col List Box( "Character", <<Modeling Type( {"Nominal"} ), min items( 1 ) )
V List Box(
bbOK = Button Box( "OK",
xvar = (xcols << Get Items);
yvar = (ycols << Get Items);
Show( xvar );
bbCancel = Button Box( "Cancel" )
// stop the script if user chooses Cancel
If( win["Button"] == -1,
Throw( "User Cancelled" )
FalseZeroes = Expr(
dt << New Column( "Temp", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ), formula( If( Is Missing( :Expr( yvar ) ), ., :Expr( xvar ) ) ) )
Eval( Eval Expr( FalseZeroes ) );