In some cases, it's helpful to plot data over an image, or, more specifically, plot XY locations over an image and enable a graphlet of the pertinent data. We can quickly associate the gathered data with visible aspects of our samples. Adding an image to the graph is easy
frame << Add Image( image( img ), bounds( top( 600 ), left( 0 ), bottom( 0 ), right( 1200 ) ) )
and I do it a lot. I am yet to find a way to remove or replace the image with another, say, through a filter change handler. My current solution is to set up a window with my sample names. When a sample is selected, the graph display window closes and is relaunched using the image associated with that sample. I'd love to find a way to simply
frame << Remove Image
or something similar. Not a dealbreaker, but it would improve the experience and simplify the script. I'm on JMP 17.1.0. Thanks!