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Level III

How to programmatically traverse a Graph builder tree structure and associate frameboxes with their titles.

I have a piece of analysis (see below) where I want to annotate specific charts using a script I have written. For example, I want to add annotation to XXX104 and XXX107. On both of these charts I will add a custom graphic and text to identify a cluster of points I want to draw attention to. 




Using the command '<< show tree structure' I can identify the frameboxs which have each chart. However, I do not see the chart 'name' associated with them. For example, I want to be able to traverse this tree using the chart names (e.g. XXX107) as a lookup and identify the associated framebox (e.g. FrameBox(7)) so I can reference it and add my annotation in an automated fashion.




In fact in the entire tree I do not see any 'tree nodes' which have the 'chart names' such as XXX107


Ultimately the chart below is what I want to achieve



Here is the code which I used to do this manually. The file is also uploaded. 

My issue is I cannot figure out how to reference a framebox by identifying it's corresponding 'title' in the display tree.


Cheers, Troy


try(close(DT, noSave));
DT = open("", invisible);
DT << newColumn("ENT_CLUSTER", character, nominal, formula(:ENTITY || "_" || :CLUSTER));

Plat = newWindow("CHART",
	myGraphBox = DT << Graph Builder(
		Size( 1446, 747 ),
		Show Control Panel( 0 ),
			X( :WW ),
			Y( :GRAND_MEAN, Position( 1 ) ),
			Wrap( :ENTITY ),
			Color( :CLUSTER )
			Points( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Legend( 23 ) ),
			Smoother( X, Y( 1 ), Y( 2 ), Legend( 24 ) )
				{Min( 202301.28 ), Max( 202320.72 ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ),
				Label Row(
					{Automatic Tick Marks( 0 ), Label Orientation( "Vertical" ),
					Show Minor Ticks( 0 )}
	summarize(DT, clusters = by(:ENT_CLUSTER));
	foreach({item}, clusters,
		if(contains(item, "NON_CLUSTER"), continue());
		ent = word(1, item, "_");
		clust = word(2, item, "_");
		write("Entity = " || ent || "\!n");
		write("Cluster = " || clust || "\!n");
		left = min(DT:WW[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
		right = max(DT:WW[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
		group_mean_min = min(DT:ENTITY_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
		group_mean_max = max(DT:ENTITY_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
		grand_mean_min = min(DT:GRAND_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
		grand_mean_max = max(DT:GRAND_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
		if(group_mean_min < grand_mean_min, bot = group_mean_min, bot = grand_mean_min);
		if(group_mean_max > grand_mean_max, top = group_mean_max, top = grand_mean_max);
		write("Left, Right, Top, Bot = " || char(left) || ", " || char(right) || ", " || char(top) || ", " || char(bot) || "\!n");
		// ##########################################################
		// ## This is what I want to do:
		// ##########################################################
		//  1. Traverse the graphbox tree
		//  2.  Identify Frame Box for each of the entities found
		//  3.  Get the Framebox Reference
		//  4.  Add my annotation.

		// This is a manual Example I made using the show properties and tree structure commands
		//myGraphBox << Show Properties();
		//myGraphBox << Show tree structure();
		rep = myGraphBox << report;
		framebox = rep[frame box( 7 )];
		framebox << Add Graphics Script(
			penColor( "Black" );
			rect( left, top, right, bot, 0 );
			rect( left, top, right, bot, 1 );
		framebox << Add Graphics Script(
			text( {left, top}, "Cluster 1" );





Accepted Solutions
Super User

Re: How to programmatically traverse a Graph builder tree structure and associate frameboxes with their titles.

Quick and dirty full example:

Names Default To Here(1);

dt = Open("$DOWNLOADS/", invisible);
dt << New Column("ENT_CLUSTER", character, nominal, formula(:ENTITY || "_" || :CLUSTER));

gb = dt << Graph Builder(
	Size(1446, 747),
	Show Control Panel(0),
	Variables(X(:WW), Y(:ENTITY_MEAN), Y(:GRAND_MEAN, Position(1)), Wrap(:ENTITY), Color(:CLUSTER)),
	Elements(Points(X, Y(1), Y(2), Legend(23)), Smoother(X, Y(1), Y(2), Legend(24))),
			{Min(202301.28), Max(202320.72), Inc(1), Minor Ticks(1), Label Row(
				{Automatic Tick Marks(0), Label Orientation("Vertical"), Show Minor Ticks(0)}
rep = Report(gb);
fbtitles = (rep << XPath("//GraphBuilderGroupBox/text()"));
Remove From(fbtitles, Contains(fbtitles, "ENTITY")); // we "know" we have wrap variable 
// or we could perform filtering using Filter Each

Summarize(dt, clusters = by(:ENT_CLUSTER));

For Each({item}, clusters,
	If(Contains(item, "NON_CLUSTER"),
	ent = Word(1, item, "_");
	clust = Word(2, item, "_");
	Write("Entity = " || ent || "\!n");
	Write("Cluster = " || clust || "\!n");
	left = Min(DT:WW[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	right = Max(DT:WW[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	group_mean_min = Min(DT:ENTITY_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	group_mean_max = Max(DT:ENTITY_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	grand_mean_min = Min(DT:GRAND_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	grand_mean_max = Max(DT:GRAND_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	If(group_mean_min < grand_mean_min,
		bot = group_mean_min,
		bot = grand_mean_min
	If(group_mean_max > grand_mean_max,
		top = group_mean_max,
		top = grand_mean_max
	Write("Left, Right, Top, Bot = " || Char(left) || ", " || Char(right) || ", " || Char(top) || ", " || Char(bot) || "\!n");
	framebox = rep[frame box(Contains(fbtitles, ent);)];
		framebox << Add Graphics Script(
			Pen Color("Black");
			Fill Color("Blue");
			Rect(Expr(left), Expr(top), Expr(right), Expr(bot), 0);
			Rect(Expr(left), Expr(top), Expr(right), Expr(bot), 1);
		framebox << Add Graphics Script(
			Text Size(9);
			Text Color("Blue");
			Text({Expr(left), Expr(top)}, Expr(clust));



(I have done something a bit like this earlier for wafermaps)



View solution in original post

Super User

Re: How to programmatically traverse a Graph builder tree structure and associate frameboxes with their titles.

GFrameBoxes are sorted in specific order (might be a good idea to force it using Value Order column property). You can get the framebox index based on that order


cluster_rows = Loc(dt[0, "ENT_CLUSTER"], "XXX104_CLUSTER1");
fb_idx = Contains(clusters, "XXX104_CLUSTER1"); // framebox idx // might not work in all cases!
fbs = Report(myGraphBox) << XPath("//FrameBox");
	fbs[fb_idx] << Add Graphics Script(
		Pen Color("Black");
		Fill Color("Red");
		Rect(Expr(left), Expr(top), Expr(right), Expr(bot), 0);
		Rect(Expr(left), Expr(top), Expr(right), Expr(bot), 1);

Also remember to evaluate the values into graphic script, so you won't end up with this.




In general GraphBuilderGroupBox are very difficult to access/manipulate and I would try to avoid it as much as possible. You can get the titles with XPath, but there can be extra titles

(Report(myGraphBox) << XPath("//GraphBuilderGroupBox/text()"))
{"ENTITY", "XXX101", "XXX102", "XXX103", "XXX104", "XXX105", "XXX106", "XXX107","XXX112", "XXX118", "XXX119"}
Super User

Re: How to programmatically traverse a Graph builder tree structure and associate frameboxes with their titles.

Quick and dirty full example:

Names Default To Here(1);

dt = Open("$DOWNLOADS/", invisible);
dt << New Column("ENT_CLUSTER", character, nominal, formula(:ENTITY || "_" || :CLUSTER));

gb = dt << Graph Builder(
	Size(1446, 747),
	Show Control Panel(0),
	Variables(X(:WW), Y(:ENTITY_MEAN), Y(:GRAND_MEAN, Position(1)), Wrap(:ENTITY), Color(:CLUSTER)),
	Elements(Points(X, Y(1), Y(2), Legend(23)), Smoother(X, Y(1), Y(2), Legend(24))),
			{Min(202301.28), Max(202320.72), Inc(1), Minor Ticks(1), Label Row(
				{Automatic Tick Marks(0), Label Orientation("Vertical"), Show Minor Ticks(0)}
rep = Report(gb);
fbtitles = (rep << XPath("//GraphBuilderGroupBox/text()"));
Remove From(fbtitles, Contains(fbtitles, "ENTITY")); // we "know" we have wrap variable 
// or we could perform filtering using Filter Each

Summarize(dt, clusters = by(:ENT_CLUSTER));

For Each({item}, clusters,
	If(Contains(item, "NON_CLUSTER"),
	ent = Word(1, item, "_");
	clust = Word(2, item, "_");
	Write("Entity = " || ent || "\!n");
	Write("Cluster = " || clust || "\!n");
	left = Min(DT:WW[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	right = Max(DT:WW[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	group_mean_min = Min(DT:ENTITY_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	group_mean_max = Max(DT:ENTITY_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	grand_mean_min = Min(DT:GRAND_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	grand_mean_max = Max(DT:GRAND_MEAN[DT << getRowsWhere(:ENT_CLUSTER == item)]);
	If(group_mean_min < grand_mean_min,
		bot = group_mean_min,
		bot = grand_mean_min
	If(group_mean_max > grand_mean_max,
		top = group_mean_max,
		top = grand_mean_max
	Write("Left, Right, Top, Bot = " || Char(left) || ", " || Char(right) || ", " || Char(top) || ", " || Char(bot) || "\!n");
	framebox = rep[frame box(Contains(fbtitles, ent);)];
		framebox << Add Graphics Script(
			Pen Color("Black");
			Fill Color("Blue");
			Rect(Expr(left), Expr(top), Expr(right), Expr(bot), 0);
			Rect(Expr(left), Expr(top), Expr(right), Expr(bot), 1);
		framebox << Add Graphics Script(
			Text Size(9);
			Text Color("Blue");
			Text({Expr(left), Expr(top)}, Expr(clust));



(I have done something a bit like this earlier for wafermaps)


Level III

Re: How to programmatically traverse a Graph builder tree structure and associate frameboxes with their titles.

Thanks for the help Jarmo.

I've not done a whole pile of work on traversing these trees but the way you explain it is great.....perhaps this one could be a topic for next years scripters club


Cheers, Troy



Super User

Re: How to programmatically traverse a Graph builder tree structure and associate frameboxes with their titles.

Going deeper into the report layer could definitely be one good topic.
