I am interested in performing a conditional logistic regression in JMP, but have been unable to find any documentation regarding how to go about this except in model choice type of scenario. Can anyone advise?
Briefly, here is what I am trying to do.
I have three categorical nominal groupings which are each divided into a control and treatment group. My outcomes fall into 5 non-ordered categories. I am interested in comparing the treatment to the control within each group and then see whether the treatment has similar effects across groups. My sample size is small (14-30) per initial group, equaling 70 individuals overall (35 treated, 35 control).
After researching various types of logistic regressions, it seems that a conditional logistic approach might be best. Matched-pairs might also be a contender, but the individuals are not necessarily matched, so much as the overall characteristics of the group.
Do you have a recommendation for how to perform an analysis such as this?
I would be interested in both a discussion on the appropriateness of technique (or alternate recommendations) as well as how-to using the JMP platform. I do not have experience using JSL.
Thanks so much for your assistance!