I am using the below syntax. I would like to modify one part of the formula which is the estimated MA coefficient.
In this case, the value of the MA Coefficient is 0.144654220611782.
My numerous attempts so far, includign using lists, have fallen flat.
How could I assign the coefficient value (of 0.144654220611782) to a "variable" and then use that "variable" in the formula? Meaning I assign the coefficient value before running the formula syntax, with the value passed into the formula in a suitable manner.
dt << New Column( "Yt Forecast1", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ),
ARIMA Forecast(
ARIMA( 0, 1, 1, No Intercept( 1 ) ),
{MA Coefficients( {0.144654220611782} )},
Row() - 50,
Row() - 50