Thank you for suggestions and code! With opening of an original image I meant opening the file for example in Paint in order examine details of image in original size. Is there way to do that? Regards
Actually I could create a new window and then open the image again but in original size.
Ok, I managed to open the new window and display the image (using Paint or something another is actually not necessary). I am providing code from vince_faller with very small changes, maybe it will be helpful for somebody. Thank you once again.
Names default to here(1);
//initially no images
img1 = empty();
img2 = empty();
img3 = empty();
img4 = empty();
New Window("Example",
V List Box(
H List Box(
mb = MouseBox(
Panel Box("El 1", //place for EL images
EL1 = Picture Box(img1),
<<setTrackEnable( 1 ),
Function( {this, clickpt},
this << setCursor( "Finger" ) /* button-up tracking - use the hand */
<< Set Click Enable(1),
<< Set Click(
Function( {this, clickpt, event}, /*Is Alt Key(),Is Control Key(),Is Shift Key() should be captured on "Pressed" */
If( event == "Released" | event == "Canceled",
this << setCursor( "Hand" ) /* switch back to hand immediately */
this << setCursor( "Finger" ) /* change cursor during drawing */
If( event == "Pressed",
New Window("Image",
img_big = new image("$SAMPLE_DATA\..\images\Pi.gif");
//img_big << Set Size({50, 50});
Picture Box(img_big);
// if you're making a bunch of these you could find the picture box
// instead of having a direct reference to it
// this currently is dependent on the tree structure
//pb = (this << Child()) << Child();
//pb << Set image(img);
Panel Box("El 2",
EL2 = Picture Box(img2),
Panel Box("El 3",
EL3 = Picture Box(img3),
Panel Box("El 4",
EL4 = Picture Box(img4),