I open a lot of CSV files in JMP.
Usually I need to do that from Windows Explorer window.
So going to JMP, clicking "Open" button and navigating to a long network path is not very handy.
What I do now is I bring up the main JMP window next to my Explorer window and just drag CSV file to JMP window.
Any way to just right click CSV file in Explorer and choose something like "Open with JMP"...
I know this would require tweaking registry, and also will need to do something to open in existing JMP instance, rather than starting a new JMP isntance.
Anybody dome anything like that?
You can already right click on a .xlsx file and select "Open With". If this is the first time you will be doing this, you will select
Open With=>Choose another App=>Choose and App on your PC
and then navigate to the jmp.exe
After the first time you do this, the JMP.exe should appear in the primary selection window after you select "Open With"
Indeed, after doing that once or twice, I now have that option in "Open with..."
The problem is - it opens a new instance of JMP for that.
a) I normally need to join\update with other files in my main instance, and
b) Having 20+ instances in an hour is too much for me
Any way to force opening in the same instance?
Then, just open the File Explorer inside JUMP with
file=pick file();
and add this little script to the tool bar and you will then have the same features as File Explorer
That's no different from Open file button in JMP.
It's right here, I can click on it. Instead I need to go to JMP, click open button and navigate very long network path (or copy and insert). Drives me nuts every time
Pick File() does allow an argument that sets the directory to open in, however, it sounds like you want it to pick up the directory you are in Explorer.
I am not aware of a solution.