Hi @Sherif_96,
To make sure I understood your topic, you have 6 independent observations of different oxides mixtures, and only 2 oxides quantity can vary, but not independently as the sum is fixed ? I haven't understand the situation about the 25 energy values and their links to the composition, but I may still provide some comments at this stage.
If you only have 2 factors (oxides quantity) that can vary with a fixed sum (since the others oxides mentioned are fixed), that means you only have 1 independent factor that can be set as the 2 oxides ratio. This simplify the study you're trying to do, as you may have access to different platforms depending on your objectives, data, needs and complexity :
- You can start first with a visualization, and assessing how this oxides ratio affect the response(s), using Graph builder,
- You can also analyze if there is trend linking the response(s) to the oxides ratio by using the platform Fit Y by X (Y: your response(s), X: oxides ratio) and trying a large variety of relationships/equations,
- You may try the analysis in the same way using Fit Model platform, which may help you fitting a regression equation involving main effect, and possibly higher order terms (like quadratic and cubic effect).
If you need to optimize your formulation for several energy levels and you have JMP Pro, maybe the use of Functional Data Explorer could help, setting the energy range as X variable, the response as Y, and your formulation parameter as Z supplementary variables.
There are a lot of options, but without any example dataset and further explanations/informations, this is the best I can think of.
Hope this first discussion starter will help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)