I tried to re-create your design. Instead of sample, I used two categorical factors: one for the plate columns (8 levels) and another for the plate rows (12 levels) to yield 96 samples. I added a factor for plate (2 levels).

I added a term for a potentila interaction effect between plate column and plate row.

I made a design for 192 runs. I made a table and sorted the runs by plate, plate row, and plate column. (I would normally randomize the runs but it is different with a plate.) I simulated your response with a simple standard normal distribution (all effects are null)to illustrate the analysis. I clicked the green triangle next to the Model table script. I clicked Run.

Use the Effect Tests to decide if the fixed effects of the wells is statistically significant. Use the Analysis of Variance to decide if the model, as a whole, is statistically significant. Use the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) as the pooled estimate of the sample standard deviation.