Hi JMP Community,
(W10 Enterprise, 64-bit, JMP Pro 15.0.0)
I'm trying to help a user who's using Graph Builder to visualize some data on products. The products come from different regions, different sources, and across different years.
When doing this, they Overlay and Color by a column called :Source. They also include some Data Filters and Column Switchers. The Data Filters are: year, region, source; the Column Switchers are there to allow swapping out different data on the products.
The issue that we're having is that even though we've set the row state to be a specific marker and color by :Source, when we change the Data Filter to only show data from Year 1 and change it to Year 2, Graph builder automatically overrides our row state assignments and uses the default.
Below is the output for Year 1 (left) and Year 2 (right).

The correct marker and color scheme is on the left above, Year 1. If you look closely, you can see that for Year 2, Graph Builder change Source C from a green diamond to a green cross. D changes from a purple X to a purple diamond, E from an orange triangle to an orange X, and F from a teal Y to a teal triangle.

So, it appears that Graph Builder keeps the assigned colors that we've given to the row states, but it changes the markers to default according JMP's settings.
I've seen some similar posts, and I think I might need to use Marker Seg in Graph Builder, but having a challenging time understanding how to use that syntax to get the desired outcome. Is this a bug in 15.0 that is fixed in the latest update, and if so, can we somehow work around this issue and force Graph Builder to use the markers and colors of choice?
Thanks for any feedback!,