The script I included in my last response would not be added to the Fit Model. It is a script that would be run instead of the model. However, given your response, I suggest that what you do, is rather than working towards adding the means to the existing table, that you run a separate JMP Platform to generate the desired means. If you run the Tablulate Platform, you can generate the means. Below is an example, using the sample data that I have been using for the examples I have provided you. The Tabulate Platform can be found in JMP at:
Here are the results

Or if you really want to add the means to the LSMeans table, below is a script that you would have to modify based upon the columns you are running in your model, and then run the script to add the means to the output.
The Script:
// Calculate the means
Summarize(bygroup = by( :sex, :age ), TheMeans = Mean( :Weight ) );
// Append the calculated means to the display table
Window("big class - Fit Least Squares")["Sex*Age"]["Least Squares Means Table"][Table Box( 1 )] <<
append( Number Col Box( "Means", Eval( TheMeans ) ) );
What would have to be changed are the refernces to the columns. In my Example, the Columns: sex, age and weight would have to be changes to your columns.
Secondly, the Window reference of "big class - Fit Least Squares" would have to be changed to the output window name from your analysis. This is taken directly from the output display's window name at the top left area of the output

Once the changes to this simple script are made, you just need to run it, and it will add the means to your interaction MeansSquare table