I want to create some figures (PCA biplot) with stable isotope variables in them. How can I include superscripts in the headings of my column? Specifically δ15N and δ13C?
use this link: https://lingojam.com/SuperscriptGenerator
if you want a superscritp -1 type a "-1" in the left box and a supescript version will appear in the box on the right. Copy that and paste into your column/axis.
I had also issues with making "δ¹⁵N (‰)" look acceptable in a graph on Mac. Normally, I use Arial size 13 in all my graphs. However, Arial makes 1 and 5 in superscript look uneven. If you change the the "δ¹⁵N (‰)" to Calibri with slightly bigger size (I used size 14), it eliminates the superscript problem and text matches well the rest of graph in Arial size 13.
You can install the Calibri font on your mac following the instructions here:
Thanks @Jeff_Perkinson ,
Now with JMP16 on windows the Alt 253 method is not working for me - not sure why.
but, using emojies works fine. in windows one needs to do the following:
Click Windows logo key + . (period). this will open the emoji keyboard where superscript 2 is available to choose.