Here is how I would approach the issue. The simple description is to subset out the column in question, save it as a .csv file and then have JMP read in the column using the Best Guess capability and then moving the column back into the original data table.
names default to here(1);
// Createa sample data table
dt=New Table( "Example",
Add Rows( 2 ),
New Script(
Data Table( "Untitled 7" ) << Subset( All rows, columns( :test ) )
New Column( "test",
Set Values( {"01/28/2020", "09/14/2021"} )
// Separate out the column in question
dttest=dt<<subset(selected rows(0), columns(test));
// Save the column to a .csv format and close the table
dttest << save("$TEMP\test.csv");
close(dttest, nosave);
// Open the saved table allowing JMP to use the Best Guess on the column
dtnew = open("$TEMP\test.csv");
// Delete the original column from the original data table
dt << delete column(test);
// Merge the new verstion of the column back into the original data table
dt << Update( With( dtNew ) );
// Close the single column transfer data table
close(dtnew, nosave );