The statement I gave you assumes that you have interactively selected the rows. Therefore, it is that action the statement I gave you is acting on.
minimum = col minimum(if(selected(Rowstate) == 1, ZIPPY, . ));
The value of the variable MINIMUM will contain the minimum value found in the column ZIPPY for all rows that have been selected when the statement is executed.
The interpretation of the code, is the result of the internal IF statement. As the COL MINIMUM function is run, it goes through each row in the data table. If the row is selected, the value returned value from the SELECTED function when it looks at the ROWSTATE for that row, will equal 1, therefore it will use the value for the column ZIPPY for that row in its determination of the minimum. If the row isn't SELECTED, it will us a missing value for the value of ZIPPY for that row.
So all you have to do is to replace "ZIPPY" with the name of the column you are attempting to get the minimum value for the selected rows.
If you are not going to have the user of the program selecting the rows to act on, then a further discussion on using the col<<select rows where() function needs to take place