I understand this topic is outdated by now, but I ought to share this info in case someone looked for it:
I noticed the possibility to select rows (observations) to make a validation dataset in JMP 10 and 11 does not work. In the linear discriminant analysis, for example, if I select 10 observations to be used as "test" dataset, for some reason unknown to me the number of excluded observations changes depending on the number of variables which is inputted in the model, ignoring whether or not specific rows are hidden and/or excluded from the dataset. For these previous versions, I concluded that the misclasification results are obtained from the "training" dataset and gave up on the test dataset.
I installed the trial version of JMP pro 13.2, however, and it works perfectly. The possibility to perform quick DA with a few click is very nice. By contrast to the previous versions of JMP, this version also calculates R2 values for both the training and validation dataset and associated misclassified number of observations.