JMP does not allow you to group rows. Tabulate does not group rows, it simply leaves some rows blank (see below).
If you look at the tree structure for Tabulate then you'll notice that JMP uses special constructs such as MultiTblStrColBox
and MultiTblNumColBox
to create the tabulate's table. These are not something that can be created in JSL by the user. The next best thing is to utilize the <<Get As Report
with some fancy group and name handling to create something similar with TableBox
-- which we do have access to in JSL. Here is a quick function "tabulatish
" that I threw together that can take a table that has specified colors on it's cells with any column grouping you may desire and creates something like tabulate. You do need to specifiy a table and special categorical column within:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
table = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Blood" );
theGroup = table << Group Columns( "BP", :BP 8M :: :BP 8W );
theGroup = table << Group Columns( "ELSE", {:BP 12W, :BP 6W} );
For( i = 1, i <= N Cols( table ), i++,
For Each Row( table,
Column( table, i ) << Color Cells( Eval List( Repeat( {Random Uniform( 0.9, 1 )}, 3 ) ), Row() )
tabulatish = Function( {table, category},
{Default Local},
column names = table << Get Column Names( "String" );
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( column names ), i++,
If( Uppercase( category ) == Uppercase( column names[i] ),
category = column names[i];
Eval( Parse( Eval Insert( JSL Quote(
table << Sort( By( :Name("^category^") ), Order( "Ascending" ), "Replace Table" );
) ) ) );
categories = Associative Array( Column( table, category ) ) << Get Keys;
locs = Repeat( {""}, N Rows( table ) );
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( categories ), i++,
locs[(Loc( Column( table, category ) << Get Values, categories[i] ))[1]] = categories[i]
nt = New Table( "temp", <<New Column( category, "Character", <<Set Values( locs ) ), Private );
olb = Outline Box( "",
nt << Get As Report
Close( nt, No Save );
group names = table << Get Column Groups Names();
groups = {};
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( group names ), i++,
Insert Into( groups, table << Get Column Group( group names[i] ) )
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( groups ), i++,
groups[i] = Char( groups[i] )
Remove From( column names, Contains( column names, category ) );
While( 1,
cols = {};
Insert Into( cols, column names[1] );
If( Contains( groups, column names[1] ),
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( group names ), i++,
names = table << Get Column Group( group names[i] );
For( j = 1, j <= N Items( names ), j++,
names[j] = Char( names[j] )
If( Contains( names, column names[1] ),
cols = names;
t = table << Subset( All Rows, Columns( cols ), Not Linked, Private );
report = t << Get As Report;
If( N Items( cols ) == 1,
olb[Table Box( 1 )] << Append( Try( report[String Col Box( 1 )], report[Number Col Box( 1 )] ) );
span box = Col Span Box( group names[i] );
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( cols ), i++,
span box << Append( Try( report[String Col Box( i )], report[Number Col Box( i )] ) )
olb[Table Box( 1 )] << Append( span box )
Close( t, No Save );
column names = Associative Array( column names );
column names << Remove( Associative Array( cols ) );
column names = column names << Get Keys;
If( N Items( column names ) == 0, Break() );
olb[Table Box( 1 )] << Set Scrollable( 30, N Cols( table ) + 25 ) << Set Shade Alternate Rows( 0 );
New Window( "Test",
tabulatish( table, "dose" )
Close( table, No Save );
![ErraticAttach_3-1649381445297.png ErraticAttach_3-1649381445297.png](