What are you trying to achieve? Just an empty grid? Does it have to be a data table? You could create Table Box for example
Names Default To Here(1);
nw = new windoW("", show toolbars(0), show menu(0),
tb = Table Box(
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""}),
String Col Edit Box("", {""})
scebs = nw << XPath("//StringColEditBox");
scebs << Set Width(100);
For(i = 1, i <= 20, i++,
tb << Add Row(Expr(Repeat({""}, N Items(scebs))));
You can also somewhat hide those
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("", Invisible);
nw = New Window("School", show toolbars(0), show menu(0),
H List Box(
dg = dt << New Data Box()
dg << close side panels(1);
dg << Set Header Height(1);
dg << close summary panels(1);
dg << Set Row ID Width(15);
and you might be able to further "minimize" (rather hide) using spanning