Hi Mark,
Graph Builder is not yet noticing when the data table color is suitable for the overlay coloring variable. That is, it would need to check that all the rows with "aaa" have the same color and no other rows have that color. Possible, but not there yet.
There are a couple alternatives though. One is to use a Value Color property, which tells Graph Builder that the colors are connected to values instead of rows. Here's a script for that:
Column("Asset") << Set Property(
"Value Colors",
{"aaa" = RGB Color( 255, 217, 47 ),
"bbb" = RGB Color( 222, 45, 38 ),
"ccc" = RGB Color( 35, 139, 69 ),
"ddd" = RGB Color( 116, 196, 118 ),
"eee" = RGB Color( 186, 228, 179 ),
"fff" = RGB Color( 178, 24, 43 ),
"ggg" = RGB Color( 8, 81, 156 ),
"hhh" = RGB Color( 107, 174, 214 ),
"iii" = RGB Color( 106, 61, 154 ),
"jjj" = RGB Color( 202, 178, 214 )
The other way, which may make more sense if you want to use the same colors elsewhere is to create a custom color theme in Preferences and make it the default. You may notice that some of the built-in color themes are from Color Brewer.
Finally, the second problem "all of the assets may not be in each of the data sets that I am analyzing" is a different issue. One work-around to get a non-existent data value to show up in a legend is to add it to the data set with a missing data value or 0 Freq value.