I think you should be fine with following process:
- Extract date
- Convert date to seconds
- Extract hours, minutes, second and convert to seconds
- Combine date in seconds and time in seconds
- Convert seconds to desired format
One example:
Names Default To Here(1);
str_list = {
dates = Transform Each({str}, str_list,
y = Num(Left(str, 4));
m = Num(Substr(str, 5, 2));
d = Num(Substr(str, 7, 2));
hh = Num(Substr(str, 9, 2));
mm = Num(Substr(str, 11, 2));
ss = Num(Substr(str, 13, 2));
date_time = Date MDY(m, d, y) + In Hours(hh) + In Minutes(mm) + ss;