Jul 2, 2020 08:09 AM
| Last Modified: Jun 11, 2023 4:03 AM(4389 views)
Hello Everybody,
I created two histograms but bars shown are very thin and sometimes it can be difficult do differentiate colors of Param1. Is there any way (by scripting as well) to make those bars a bit thicker? Best regards
Hi, Right click on the graph body and select Customize > Select the "Bar" item and increase the "Width Proportion". Note, you may need to bump that number to 100 or even larger values if you have a lot of data. Best, TS
Hi, Right click on the graph body and select Customize > Select the "Bar" item and increase the "Width Proportion". Note, you may need to bump that number to 100 or even larger values if you have a lot of data. Best, TS