I have the data set that the same ID in multiple rows. Each rows had 1 to 3 categories. The columns represent costA to costZ that I need to stack in the same Cost column. However, I need to generate group by category 1 ( 1 if category 1 < 2000, 2 if category 1 = 2000 - 4000, 3 if category 1 = 4000 - 6000, 4 if category 1 = 6000 - 10000, 5 if category 1 > 10000). However, I need to delete category 1 that do not have category 2 or 3. In addition, category 1 to 3 do not excess 1 months (I have date column). However 1 ID can have multiple 1 to 3 categories. I try to stack it but it cannot divided group by category 1 with other category. I need to create the graph of category (x) and cost (y) by group. Anyone have any idea? please help me. Thank you! (I also attached the excel file) My JMP is version 16.