go_down_expr = Expr(
cur_row = (dt << get selected rows());
N Items( cur_row ) == 0,
New Window( "Alert", <<size( 300, 100 ), Border Box( top( 10 ), bottom( 10 ), Left( 10 ), Right( 10 ), Text Box( "No selection" ) ) ),
N Items( Loc( crows > cur_row[1] ) ) == 0, dt << gotorow( crows[1] ),
dt << go to row( crows[(Loc( crows > cur_row[1] ))[1]] )
f = Function( {a = [1]},
val_lst = dt[a, x5_col];
dt2 << clear select();
For Each( {value, index}, val_lst, If( Column( dt2, 1 )[index] != value, Column( dt2, 1 )[index] = value ) );
Column( dt2, 1 ) << Delete Property( "Spec Limits" );
cpk_show = Column( dt, "CPKvalue" )[a];
cpko_show = Column( dt, "Cpk" )[a];
ncb1 << set( cpko_show[1] );
ncb2 << set( Round( cpk_show[1], 3 ) );
Eval Expr(
Column( dt2, 1 ) << Set Property(
"Spec Limits",
{LSL( Expr( LSL[a[1]] ) ), USL( Expr( USL[a[1]] ) ), Target( Expr( dt:Nominal[a[1]] ) ), Show Limits( 1 )}
For Each( {value, index}, dt[a, x5_col], Eval( Parse( "d" || Char( index ) || "<<set(" || Char( value ) || ")" ) ) );
a = a[1];
backup = dt2 << Distribution( invisible, Column( :y ), Fit Normal( Goodness of Fit( 1 ) ), Histograms Only );
pvalue = Report( backup )["Goodness-of-Fit Test"][Number Col Box( "Prob<W" )][1];
backup << close window;
xmax = Report( obj2 )[axisbox( 1 )] << get max;
xmin = Report( obj2 )[axisbox( 1 )] << get min;
ymax = Report( obj2 )[axisbox( 2 )] << get max;
ymin = Report( obj2 )[axisbox( 2 )] << get min;
Report( obj2 )[axisbox( 2 )] << max(28);
Report( obj2 )[framebox( 1 )] << append seg( ts1 = Text Seg( "" ) );
ts1 << set location( xmax - (xmax - xmin) / 6, 25 );
If( pvalue >= 0.05,
ts1 << set text( "normal" );
ts1 << Set Text Color( "dark Green" );
ts1 << set text( "non-normal" );
ts1 << Set Text Color( "Red" );
rs = dt << make row state handler( f );
Hi guys, I've got a problem: I've created a row handler function that automatically calculates normality when rows change, draws graphs, etc.; it uses a button box to control the action of moving to the next row, but when I click too fast, an error occurs indicating that the loop was detected earlier.
How to solve it?