Sep 27, 2013 02:26 PM
| Last Modified: Nov 7, 2017 1:01 PM(22394 views)
A frustration of mine with JMP is the lack of attention to significant figures with numerical data. I spend an signficant amount of time re-formating numerical reports based on the statistics within the report itself. For example, if a parameter estimate is known to have an uncertainty of plus/minus 1%, then it makes no sense to report the estimate or the confidence limits beyond three signficant figures. I consider it a bit embarrasing to report 8 or sometimes 12 signficant figures.
Double click in the table on the column you want to change. Then change the format to scientific and change the width to the number of significant figures in the calculation.
Double click in the table on the column you want to change. Then change the format to scientific and change the width to the number of significant figures in the calculation.
is there a way to change the font size, display for the label? sometimes it feels to small and having a hard time spacing it even after rounding the sig digits
I like to use Format -> Precision, then set 'Dec' to number of significant figures you want. This gives the correct number of significant figures but it's not in scientific notation.