Assuming I am familiar with programming languages in general, but not the syntax of JMP/JSL specifically, please understand that when I looked up JSL: get unique values of a data table column and Get a list of the unique values in a column, matrix, or list none of the solutions worked for me when I try to find a summary of the unique values in a column scriptorially (not via Recode). The reason for doing it scriptorially is I would like to feed the output to other input funnels in another portion of the script.
Here is my code (anonymized and hopefully without typos):
dt = Open( "data file" );
//show(summarize(dt=by("column of interest")));
//dt << Summary(Group(:column of interest), Freq("None"), Weight("None"));
The lines which are commented out do not seem to work for me. I don't even know if I am importing the data correctly, to be honest. "data file" is a .jmp file. How would I know? Would it open up? It doesn't seem to be doing that.
Pardon if this is a double post but I really appreciate the understanding.
Thank you,